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Nilnil is a first-of-its-kind match recommendation app. We allow sports fans to get the most out of their streaming time by surfacing the best matches without spoiling the outcomes. Like Rotten Tomatoes for movies, we are the go-to hub for avid football fans looking for the best matches to watch.

With unlimited streaming content available to watch anytime, people are always looking for ways to figure out what to watch. The challenge with sports streaming is that spoilers are everywhere the minute a match ends. Nilnil promises to give fans a spoiler-free destination to browse matches and figure out what to watch.

The typical American sports fan is not used to an event that can end in a 0-0 (nil-nil) tie. 90+ minutes without a single goal won't be as exciting as a match with some scoring. This is the inspiration for the name. We hope to save streaming soccer fans from spending time on those uneventful, nil-nil matches.

What is the Nilnil Rating?

The Nilnil Rating is based on stats and events that occur during matches. We use stats like goals scored and expected outcomes with an algorithm to calculate the final rating. The higher the rating, the more exciting a match will be.

When the Nilnil rating is above 60%, a purple ball indicates that the match has an above-average excitement level.

When the Nilnil rating is below 60%, a deflated ball indicates that the match has a less-than-average excitement level.

When no Nilnil rating is available, which could be because the match hasn't happened yet or something went wrong, a gray ball is displayed.

What is Certified Golden?

Certified Golden status is a special honor awarded to the most exciting matches. To qualify, matches likely have:

  • Competitive balance
  • A high-quality play
  • Drama
  • Star power on display
  • Something at stake